martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Annita´s Ambitions ~

All the people in the world have an ambition that wants to fulfil, although, sometimes the ambitions can be a negative purpose, but in a lot of situations the ambitions are a necessary for achieve bigs secrets dreams:)
Personally, I have a few but bigs ambitions for my future life. First, I want to fulfil the most common ambition in the world: have a great life thanks of my university studies and live with my couple :). I would like to achieve that ambition because there are my dreams since I was a little child and because represent the model of "steady life".
At the second time, I want to achieve my personal ambitions related with my hobbies, I mean fulfil the objetive that I purpose myself. Today, that purpose is about improve the typical techniques of the sport that I practice. I would like to achieve that ambition for personal satisfaction, and also for be a happy person:)
I think that all of the ambitions have a real cause inspired of someone else, I mean, the inspiration of fulfil some objetive, always came from a few thought for impress to close person; and this case, is not the exception.
I hope achieve all of my ambitions :); because the most happiest feeling in the world is fulfil the dreams for you´ve fighting for.

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Just Music ♫

Is not easy for me choose a favourite song because I like a lot of different music styles; I think that I´ts depende of my mood, I mean, I listen rock, pop, romantic and electronic music. My music preferences are very varied.

But in this case, I have to choose one song and I think It will be: Again singing by Lenny Kravitz. The song that I chose belong to rock music, but with romantic lyric, it was lauch in 2000.
I don´t remember the exactly moment that I´ve heard this song for the first time, but I remember that mark a milestone when I was a teenager and until now, this song still being in my mind.
"Again", is a song that I´ve heard when I felt confused and lost or when I doubt some personal decitions.
I think that I love this song because makes me reflect a lot and calm down when I need it.
I recommend this song all time,really is a very passionate song, you have to listen to it :)

~ ♫ All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again ♫