miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

¿Going Out? :)

Today I´m goint to tell you about a moment that I like because through the time it became in a tradition for me and my friend Sofi :)
I mean, we like to eat out to "Bravissimo", is an "ice cream store" that now sells some sandwiches, coffe, cakes, etc. I like go there because I´m fan of chocolate ice cream and everytime that I visit this place Me and Sofi ate a big goblet of ice cream called "Paradise Goblet" that includes ten differents flavours, really I love it!, besides I like the great quality of that restaurant, the people is kind, the decoration is so crazy and colourful :) and the best of all is than Bravissimo is placed everywhere, at mall, or downtown of the cities, not only in Santiago, is places around all of the country too!
I think that instances are so good for bring close relationship; for talk with somebody and eat something delicious :), I ´ve passed great times there, because I enjoy so much eat ice cream and stay with great company.
Another big reason that I like so much this restaurant because I like stay here with my boyfriend :) and is the only one moment that he eat ice cream :P


martes, 11 de junio de 2013

I want to meet to... :)

I´ve always thought that praise someone else is not right, because nodoby is god, besides the most of famous persons are so unkind; but I´m agree with follow singers or actors that are very famous today, I mean, just for fun.

Personally, If I have to choose someone, I think that I would like to meet two famous persons.
The first is a famous actor named "Robert Downey Jr. or known as "Iron Man", because I like his crazy, arrogant but very intelligent personality. I saw him for the first time in the Sherlock Holms movie and liked his style, although, like I said before, famous persons are cocky, and I don´t like that, I don´t approve people that are not humble. In this case, I hope be wrong; But If I met him, I would talk about his life, his preferences and maybe talk about his movies.

The second person that I would like to meet is a famous actress, that are very famous thank of an American Tv serie called "Gossip Girl". I like that actress because in the serie she interpret an independent, crazy, but very smart woman, typical of a New York citizen, and I like too because is fashion style is so amazing and his personality is very kind too.
If I visit New York I would like go to shopping with her and talk about fashion and her lyfe like an Gossip Girl actress. I hope I made it true :)