martes, 23 de julio de 2013

The Last one .... :(

This is the last time that I´m going to write in this blog, at least for this semester, and this is a special chance, because I´m going to relate you about my perseption of have a blog.
Personally I´ve love have a blog because I like write about my life and my experiences, besides I like share opinions with my classmates and write in english si so much better because I love speak and write in english.
In my opinión I don´t have a favourite or a least favourite post, because I like all of the post that I´ve write because it was part of my life and I preserve my experiences very well, besides, have a least favourite post it was hate myself and I don´t want to this. xd!
At the course of that semester, I liked read the blog of my friends for known better each other, and I liked because is so funny know the life and experience of the rest of my classmates, and I think when they read my blog has happen the same; for that I don´t have a preference for any blog, but I recognise that Charlotte´s blog is the most attractive blog because she is so creative and because she love electronic world :) for that she is the most attractive.
Like I said before, at the begining of the post, I think that think, write and speak in a different language is so helpful to learn how connect with people of all fo the world. :)
I love this language forever and ever :)
Bye Bye <3!

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

When I was a Little Child....

I´ve always think:  when a person is a child, the first Tv programs that somebody could watch are very important for the growth, I mean the remebers of a little child let a huge trace in the future personality of someone.
 The best remembers of my first Tv programs are very important for me, I don´t not why but, when I watched it, I felt so happy :), for that reason I want to introduce you my favourite animated cartoon called "Bananas en Pijama" (so ancient xd) . This animated cartoon was about the adventure and the frienship of two bananas, three teddy bears and a mouse. The first time that I watched that program I was almost five years, I was so Little, and I watched in cartoon channel :) , in that age, have that type of channel it was a luxury, so I consider myself very lucky.
I liked so much this program because "Bananas" are twins and me and my brother are twins too <3!!! besides those cartoon are so funny, always sang happy songs and they were good fruits, I mean they were good friend (in the program) :) ,so, I think, maybe I learned from them, how to be a good person, and finally I liked because it seems to be "real", I mean it wasn´t fake cartoon, some actors performed the show, for all of that, I really enjoyed so much watched it! :).
Today that program is a real animated cartoon, so, I don´t like anymore :(   

lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

Me and My Dream Come true :)

Sometimes I don´t like take pictures of me, because I think that I look so bad :( xD! but,  in this special case I would like show you a photograph that I´ll never forget: I mean, Me at the Cheerleading Worlds 2013 <3 :
Well, as everybody knows, I travelled to Orlando, United States, with my team for a competition this last april, and it´s comic, because these type of photographs were taken when we are in action (showing own routine) and some pictures are extremely bads xd! I mean faces in action are not beautiful always, but It´s so funny look  at them after the competition.
Particulary this photograph shows me in action,  doing it an elevation and shows me when I was very excited and happy too and  simply I love this picture because I can remember this special moment , I mean,  for the cheerleader is a dream come true :) : can tread that competition floor is a unforgetable experience, can feel that huge nerve, and can be with a lot of amazing cheerleaders, is the best that a sportsman can live.
In this moment I still miss be there, but I´m quiet because I want to come back so soon, ¿Why not the next year? :)