Personally I´ve love have a blog because I like write about my life and my experiences, besides I like share opinions with my classmates and write in english si so much better because I love speak and write in english.
In my opinión I don´t have a favourite or a least favourite post, because I like all of the post that I´ve write because it was part of my life and I preserve my experiences very well, besides, have a least favourite post it was hate myself and I don´t want to this. xd!
At the course of that semester, I liked read the blog of my friends for known better each other, and I liked because is so funny know the life and experience of the rest of my classmates, and I think when they read my blog has happen the same; for that I don´t have a preference for any blog, but I recognise that Charlotte´s blog is the most attractive blog because she is so creative and because she love electronic world :) for that she is the most attractive.
Like I said before, at the begining of the post, I think that think, write and speak in a different language is so helpful to learn how connect with people of all fo the world. :)
I love this language forever and ever :)
Bye Bye <3!