martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Books that I´ve read in my teenage years

When I was at the school, I´ve read a lot of books for a language class, but only a few of them I´ve liked so much.
The first book that I´ve read it call "El Túnel",  written by Ernesto Sábato. This book it represent basically the hardest feelings felt by a person in a bad moment. when someone feels empty and alone this book may you grown up and change some thought about the reasons for living. I recommend this amazing book because after read it, I appreciate the oportunities and little details of the live, so could you too :).
The second book that I´ve read it call "Juventud En Éxtasis" written by "Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez" this is a special book because it shown me what happened with the change between the childhood and teenage years. It´s a very difficult book, but I recommend it, because it teach good lesson for how survive in a crazy  and curious teenage life. :)
Personally I think that this book teach me the importance of how the life can change if the people don´t make the right decision.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Me. Myself and I

My name is Ana María, i´m twenty years old, and first I want to tell you the positive side of my life: I have a twin named Gabriel and I love him, I have a good relationship with him, also with my parents.
Since five years ago I practice Cheerleading, and thanks of that I met to my boyfriend. I´m grateful for have a few but real friends, because I know that I count with them and they count with me for anything.
And now, the negative side of my life: I was born in Antogafasta, but I´ve lived in four differents cities like Ovalle, La Serena and since march 2011 until now I live in Santiago. I think that is a good advantage because I´ve visited a lot of places but sometimes I think that I don´t have affection for a  specific place.

In general, I feel very happy with my life, I´ve made all of my dreams real, and coming soon I´ll make another come true :)