jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

English Class :3

I´ve always said that I love this class, because is a real moment for demonstrate how I handle this language. I think that learn english is not so difficult, at least for me, and I think that learn it is so much better when is posible mix the writing with the talk practice, because this way is so much easy, I mean, when I or the most people listening the pronunciation and practice the gramar is goog for improve the new language.
However, I think that the most urgent for improve is the pronunciation, because, in the practice, is more common talk with someone than write, for that reason, improve the pronunciation is so important, besides, the most of foreign don´t like the people who don´t speak good its language.

Personally, I think that with the english class I´ve could develop my knowledge of english, because, like I´ve always said, i´m not perfect and everyday is a new occasion for learn something new and for improve my knowledge through the exchange of opinions with my classmates too. =)

In my opinión, the use of blogs is an excellent idea, because is a moment for develop the imagination, the creativity and the most important: the notion of think in another language, no matter if me or other person make a mistake, because is possibly fixed-up and learn about it. :)  I said that, because when I was at the school, we don´t practice so much, I mean, I made guide of exercices but, it didn´t worked very well for me and either for my classmates. For that reason the english class, here, in the university, is one of my favourite class. :B

Sincerely, I feel so lucky for understand this language =).! because I could use when I travelled to USA, and more closely, I use for read some text in english (homeworks of the university) and I use it for understand and for sing some songs in english too =)

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Annita Green =)

Today is an special day: I´m goint to write about the environment and the recycled =).
Well, I´ve always thought that everyone has to take care own environment because is the only one place that remain with us  until we died xd!... my thought is so radical, but I think that is the real truth.
Sincerely, I don´t recycle like the real environmentalist, but I try to do it on my own way, for example:  when I  walk in the Street I throw the garbage, and I don´t smash the grass and even the flowers in the park.
I think that I could give more to the environment, but in the life like today, is so difficult because, everybody move so fast and the time is the new gold, and all of them and includes me, we try to make it longer as posible, but If I could help more, I would like to plant more threes and clean up the city :)

I think that "recycled" is a new topic and not all of the worlds take care of that, I mean, a lot of people don´t matter the environment, and this is a real problem, I think that the government has to infórmate to the society about that and they should create a new organizations for educate to the people, and even, the most important, they should have a program in the schools for promote the environment and the ways of recycled, because, in the real life, not in all of the school made that. :( that is so sad, really =(

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect Song =)

Today is an special day because I´m going to tell about a perfect song, maybe is not so perfect to me, but I think that it has a real lesson of life.
The song is called "Gracias a la vida" written by "Violeta Parra", is a famous song of the 60´s and now still be famous because it´s lyrics is related with thanks to the life for be alive and appreciate the most little details of the life and the nature, undoubtedly is a simply song but, it has something than could change the thoughts of million of people. Besides this song is perfect because it remember us than not everything in this world is so bad, or at least, there are so many reasons for be thankful.
Personally, when I felt sad or when I felt that I don´t have a reason for be thankful, I think or I listening this song and I change my mind and I said to myself: how wrong I was.
I recommend this song for everyone that feel sad or lost for cheer up and for take advantage of the details around us, I mean, like "Principito said: The esencial is invisible to the eyes"