jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Annita Green =)

Today is an special day: I´m goint to write about the environment and the recycled =).
Well, I´ve always thought that everyone has to take care own environment because is the only one place that remain with us  until we died xd!... my thought is so radical, but I think that is the real truth.
Sincerely, I don´t recycle like the real environmentalist, but I try to do it on my own way, for example:  when I  walk in the Street I throw the garbage, and I don´t smash the grass and even the flowers in the park.
I think that I could give more to the environment, but in the life like today, is so difficult because, everybody move so fast and the time is the new gold, and all of them and includes me, we try to make it longer as posible, but If I could help more, I would like to plant more threes and clean up the city :)

I think that "recycled" is a new topic and not all of the worlds take care of that, I mean, a lot of people don´t matter the environment, and this is a real problem, I think that the government has to infórmate to the society about that and they should create a new organizations for educate to the people, and even, the most important, they should have a program in the schools for promote the environment and the ways of recycled, because, in the real life, not in all of the school made that. :( that is so sad, really =(

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi

    For the recycle in the Chile, there should be recycling policy.


  2. Amiii...!!! I would love to encourage recycling in our society too... :)

  3. hi Anitaaa, i really like this topic because Chile need a recycling proyect and a reycling policy, because the Green it's our future ...

  4. Chilean education is missing this part, reclycling and taking care of the environment is so important! people just don't care because they know it's not goint to affect them right now, but what about their grand grand children? :/
