jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

English Class :3

I´ve always said that I love this class, because is a real moment for demonstrate how I handle this language. I think that learn english is not so difficult, at least for me, and I think that learn it is so much better when is posible mix the writing with the talk practice, because this way is so much easy, I mean, when I or the most people listening the pronunciation and practice the gramar is goog for improve the new language.
However, I think that the most urgent for improve is the pronunciation, because, in the practice, is more common talk with someone than write, for that reason, improve the pronunciation is so important, besides, the most of foreign don´t like the people who don´t speak good its language.

Personally, I think that with the english class I´ve could develop my knowledge of english, because, like I´ve always said, i´m not perfect and everyday is a new occasion for learn something new and for improve my knowledge through the exchange of opinions with my classmates too. =)

In my opinión, the use of blogs is an excellent idea, because is a moment for develop the imagination, the creativity and the most important: the notion of think in another language, no matter if me or other person make a mistake, because is possibly fixed-up and learn about it. :)  I said that, because when I was at the school, we don´t practice so much, I mean, I made guide of exercices but, it didn´t worked very well for me and either for my classmates. For that reason the english class, here, in the university, is one of my favourite class. :B

Sincerely, I feel so lucky for understand this language =).! because I could use when I travelled to USA, and more closely, I use for read some text in english (homeworks of the university) and I use it for understand and for sing some songs in english too =)

6 comentarios:

  1. the pic is hilarious anita, why you're so cool writing? i' dont know .. jkawawjkawjk

  2. Hi Anita!!

    You are very good in english! :)

    I hope you're well!


  3. Anniii...I like the English too... I think that is very important for our future...!!!

  4. We all agree blogs that are the best jajajaa

  5. English is fun! awesome! I'm glad you're good at english, I have to make a lot of effort :c well... that's life I think! HAHAH

  6. Hi, the oral exam is going to take place in room D11 at 8:30.

    The written exam will take place in our usual classroom, B11.

    Professor Lourdes Barría is in charge of your exams.

