jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Video Music =)

Like I´ve always said: I love music!, I don´t know how it will be the life without music?, boring I guess.
Well, I´ve passed for a lot of music style since I was a child. First, I liked rock and then some pop, after reggaeton....! x__x and now I like a little of pop, electronic and some of rock, but no matter the music style, undoubtedly some songs have marked a few moments of my life.
I remember a song that I like its lyrics and its video too because it makes me remember a journey to Brazil with my classmates of my school. The song called "Sexy Chick" of David Guetta, it was so popular in 2009-2010. I love this song (and its video too) because is a portrait of parties and good times for share with friends, and travel too  =), such as I lived in my journey those summer, because I passed experiences that I´ll never forget, like the video too :).!
Like a said before I love music and those video is not the only one that I like so much :)! the second video that I remember always is "Again" of Lenny Kravtiz. This videos are so different, but speaks about some moments of my life totally opposed. I think that this video have make trades in my life :)


jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The day I´ll will never forget ....

Everyone has a day that they always remember for one special reason. Well, I have one and I hate that day.
Everything started on Ttuesday of the last year, I had to discourse about a semestral work for the method class. Sincerely I don´t like the teacher of that class because she IS annoying, and she doesn´t accepted arrive late at her class. Well, the bad situation is the next: That day (and like never before) I´ve woke up late, and when I realized of the real time, I ran into the shower, I couldn´t ate and even comb my hair, definitely, a bad luck day, besides It was the first time that I woke up a dressed up so fast. ( this is the funny situation of that day) Then of that horror show I ran again for whereabouts and my "bip" card didn't work,!! oh! I´ve been so furious, and the driver of the bus was so kind and let me go aboard.
Finally I could discourse, with my horrible face, hair and humor, but I had to fixed up my bip card and I walked so much that day for another procedures.
I´ve never forgotten that day, It was the worst day of my life!!!!!!!


jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Egypt,Italy and Greece =)

I like so much travel =) to everywhere, I mean, travel to the beach or to the countryside, but I like more travel out of my country. I´m 21 years and I´ve visited four differents countries like : Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and United States.
But I have a dream since when I was a Little child that I would like to realise: Travel to Egypt, Greece and Italy. I would like to visit this three countries because they are cradle of modern civilization, and I´ve always liked the history and all related stuff, like culture, architecture, battles of honor, etc.
If I stay there, I would like to visit in Egypt all of pyramids and famous monuments =). In Italy I would like to visit Roma because is the most amazing place because of its architecture and besides that country is the most romantic place in the world <3!. And Finally I would like to visit Greece because I´m a big fan of greece culture, actually, a few years ago I tried to learn its language, mmm, I would like to try again xD in addition I like so much the greece architecture and its monuments too <3 =)
I´ll hope someday travel to this countries, it was like my dream come true, and like always, accompanied by my boyfriend <3