jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The day I´ll will never forget ....

Everyone has a day that they always remember for one special reason. Well, I have one and I hate that day.
Everything started on Ttuesday of the last year, I had to discourse about a semestral work for the method class. Sincerely I don´t like the teacher of that class because she IS annoying, and she doesn´t accepted arrive late at her class. Well, the bad situation is the next: That day (and like never before) I´ve woke up late, and when I realized of the real time, I ran into the shower, I couldn´t ate and even comb my hair, definitely, a bad luck day, besides It was the first time that I woke up a dressed up so fast. ( this is the funny situation of that day) Then of that horror show I ran again for whereabouts and my "bip" card didn't work,!! oh! I´ve been so furious, and the driver of the bus was so kind and let me go aboard.
Finally I could discourse, with my horrible face, hair and humor, but I had to fixed up my bip card and I walked so much that day for another procedures.
I´ve never forgotten that day, It was the worst day of my life!!!!!!!


4 comentarios:

  1. Well, sometimes bad things happen at the same time. The worst days of my life are the sum of many bad things happening at once.


    Nah, life is not too bad.


  2. Aniiii..everyone has a bad day sometimes, but when you remember, it's fun...XD

  3. jkwawjkawjk this it's a fun story, the bad days are something we can not avoid ... but well ... awkjawjkaw regards!

  4. hahaha everybody has their bad-luck day!
