martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

~ London ~

Today we made a turistical work about some important places in the city of London, the capital of United Kingdom, placed in Europe. :)
When I think in London I imagine perfection, I mean, all in that city is so beautiful,I just want to go there and visit every turistic places.
In the first visit to that city, I would like to visit The  Westminster Palace or called too "The Parliament" that is placed in north shore of Tamesis river. Get there is not difficult, You can take the tub Westminster ( gates Circle, District y Jubilee) or take a bus , (it has eleven ways to get there in bus). For get into the palace you have you pay 14 pounds and the visits are so restricted, the common people can visit only saturday and in the summer months :(.!
If I´ll can go there, I would take millions of pictures and I would like to learn everything about its origins, it history and all related with that beautiful places, because I love the architecture of that palace and like I said before I love a lot cities of Europe

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Art :)

The art:
when I think in the concept of that word I imagine a lot of thing related with imagination, feelings, colours, etc. In my opinion the art is more than a painting, also It means the representations of the human  acts.
Personally. I´m not a real fan of the art, but I like a few pieces of art that are very popular in the world.
The piece of art that I like very much is called "Hombre de Vitruvio" made it for the famous painter "Leonardo Da Vinci". This piece of art It was made pursuit for medical studies , I mean, for learn about the human body. It was created in a very controversial age for the science.
I remember the first time when i saw it, I was in biology class when I was at the school, and I thought to myself: Oh! I like that picture,  obviously It´s represented the human conception of perfection, simply I liked the power  and security than the picture represents. :)
I think this piece of art is amazing because explain the human race in a natural condition., no more and no less, and I would like to visit the museum than harbour this piece of art in a future.

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Sea Avenue ^^"

The Beach:

I love the beach :), is one of my favourite places for visit when want to felt relaxed and when I want to rest of my upset life. The sounds of the waves makes me disconnect of the reality. I like feel that sensation.
In general, I like all types of beaches, but I always go to the "Sea Avenue" in La Serena, because I lived there ten years and I always came back there for many personal reasons.
I liked go to this beach because is very large and I can walk almost eight kilometers through it; thank of that I can think about my life and I can open my mind to new positive vibrations.

Is necessary confess that I don´t like swim at this beach or any other beaches, because I have fear of the sea., for that reason, when I go to any beach, I rest at the sand or just walk. In spite of that, I like go to Sea Avenue as soon as can, I mean, in the summer if I can, I visit it all days, and in the winter I like visit almost one time for relaxed and for connect me with the nature.
At the future I would like to visit another beaches around the world, like some places at the tropic or at the mediterranean sea.

Cinema :)!

The last time that I went to the cinema it was this summer when I was in La Serena and we went to the Cinemark. It was a special date because I went with my boyfriend for celebrate own aniverssary number four :).
The movie is not a romantic film, but my boyfriend is fan of "The Lord Of The Rings" saga, and he really wanted watch the film that is part of that saga, I mean, the film called "The Hobbit".
Personally, I´ve never watched any films of "The Lord Of The Rings" saga, because I don´t like the content of that movies, I don´t know why I reject the films. The only reason that I watched this movie it was because when I was at the school I have to read the book and I thought: well, maybe is similar to the book and why not?, besides my boyfriend really like this saga I agreed to go with him.

If someone ask me, I like the movie, but i´m not a fan and I´m not die for understand completely the history of the four movies (because they are related), but if somebody likes the adventures of middle age and wars between goods and bads kingdoms, I recommend this film.