jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Sea Avenue ^^"

The Beach:

I love the beach :), is one of my favourite places for visit when want to felt relaxed and when I want to rest of my upset life. The sounds of the waves makes me disconnect of the reality. I like feel that sensation.
In general, I like all types of beaches, but I always go to the "Sea Avenue" in La Serena, because I lived there ten years and I always came back there for many personal reasons.
I liked go to this beach because is very large and I can walk almost eight kilometers through it; thank of that I can think about my life and I can open my mind to new positive vibrations.

Is necessary confess that I don´t like swim at this beach or any other beaches, because I have fear of the sea., for that reason, when I go to any beach, I rest at the sand or just walk. In spite of that, I like go to Sea Avenue as soon as can, I mean, in the summer if I can, I visit it all days, and in the winter I like visit almost one time for relaxed and for connect me with the nature.
At the future I would like to visit another beaches around the world, like some places at the tropic or at the mediterranean sea.

4 comentarios:

  1. dear anniitaaaaaaa!!!! =) i wanna go to the "La Serena" i've never visited there and for the pictures that you published i see that is a really beatiful place! kisses for you i see you in the class!!!

  2. Hi Anita!
    La Serena is a beautiful place. I would like to live on the beach like you and enjoy the sounds of the waves.


  3. Hi Anita!!, your love your citie jajaja, but is the real so beatefull, and the beach is amazing i love "La Serena" and the Sea avenue,and i like see the faro, you really are The Little Mermaid of "La Serena" jajaja :)

  4. I want to know La Serena! mainly the beaches :D!
    Kisses Anita! :)
