I´ve always said that I love this class, because is a real moment for demonstrate how I handle this language. I think that learn english is not so difficult, at least for me, and I think that learn it is so much better when is posible mix the writing with the talk practice, because this way is so much easy, I mean, when I or the most people listening the pronunciation and practice the gramar is goog for improve the new language.
However, I think that the most urgent for improve is the pronunciation, because, in the practice, is more common talk with someone than write, for that reason, improve the pronunciation is so important, besides, the most of foreign don´t like the people who don´t speak good its language.
Personally, I think that with the english class I´ve could develop my knowledge of english, because, like I´ve always said, i´m not perfect and everyday is a new occasion for learn something new and for improve my knowledge through the exchange of opinions with my classmates too. =)
In my opinión, the use of blogs is an excellent idea, because is a moment for develop the imagination, the creativity and the most important: the notion of think in another language, no matter if me or other person make a mistake, because is possibly fixed-up and learn about it. :) I said that, because when I was at the school, we don´t practice so much, I mean, I made guide of exercices but, it didn´t worked very well for me and either for my classmates. For that reason the english class, here, in the university, is one of my favourite class. :B
Sincerely, I feel so lucky for understand this language =).! because I could use when I travelled to USA, and more closely, I use for read some text in english (homeworks of the university) and I use it for understand and for sing some songs in english too =)
jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013
jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013
Annita Green =)
Today is an special day: I´m goint to write about the environment and the recycled =).
Well, I´ve always thought that everyone has to take care own environment because is the only one place that remain with us until we died xd!... my thought is so radical, but I think that is the real truth.
Sincerely, I don´t recycle like the real environmentalist, but I try to do it on my own way, for example: when I walk in the Street I throw the garbage, and I don´t smash the grass and even the flowers in the park.
I think that I could give more to the environment, but in the life like today, is so difficult because, everybody move so fast and the time is the new gold, and all of them and includes me, we try to make it longer as posible, but If I could help more, I would like to plant more threes and clean up the city :)
I think that "recycled" is a new topic and not all of the worlds take care of that, I mean, a lot of people don´t matter the environment, and this is a real problem, I think that the government has to infórmate to the society about that and they should create a new organizations for educate to the people, and even, the most important, they should have a program in the schools for promote the environment and the ways of recycled, because, in the real life, not in all of the school made that. :( that is so sad, really =(
Well, I´ve always thought that everyone has to take care own environment because is the only one place that remain with us until we died xd!... my thought is so radical, but I think that is the real truth.
Sincerely, I don´t recycle like the real environmentalist, but I try to do it on my own way, for example: when I walk in the Street I throw the garbage, and I don´t smash the grass and even the flowers in the park.
I think that I could give more to the environment, but in the life like today, is so difficult because, everybody move so fast and the time is the new gold, and all of them and includes me, we try to make it longer as posible, but If I could help more, I would like to plant more threes and clean up the city :)
I think that "recycled" is a new topic and not all of the worlds take care of that, I mean, a lot of people don´t matter the environment, and this is a real problem, I think that the government has to infórmate to the society about that and they should create a new organizations for educate to the people, and even, the most important, they should have a program in the schools for promote the environment and the ways of recycled, because, in the real life, not in all of the school made that. :( that is so sad, really =(
jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013
The perfect Song =)
Today is an special day because I´m going to tell about a perfect song, maybe is not so perfect to me, but I think that it has a real lesson of life.
The song is called "Gracias a la vida" written by "Violeta Parra", is a famous song of the 60´s and now still be famous because it´s lyrics is related with thanks to the life for be alive and appreciate the most little details of the life and the nature, undoubtedly is a simply song but, it has something than could change the thoughts of million of people. Besides this song is perfect because it remember us than not everything in this world is so bad, or at least, there are so many reasons for be thankful.
Personally, when I felt sad or when I felt that I don´t have a reason for be thankful, I think or I listening this song and I change my mind and I said to myself: how wrong I was.
I recommend this song for everyone that feel sad or lost for cheer up and for take advantage of the details around us, I mean, like "Principito said: The esencial is invisible to the eyes"
The song is called "Gracias a la vida" written by "Violeta Parra", is a famous song of the 60´s and now still be famous because it´s lyrics is related with thanks to the life for be alive and appreciate the most little details of the life and the nature, undoubtedly is a simply song but, it has something than could change the thoughts of million of people. Besides this song is perfect because it remember us than not everything in this world is so bad, or at least, there are so many reasons for be thankful.
Personally, when I felt sad or when I felt that I don´t have a reason for be thankful, I think or I listening this song and I change my mind and I said to myself: how wrong I was.
I recommend this song for everyone that feel sad or lost for cheer up and for take advantage of the details around us, I mean, like "Principito said: The esencial is invisible to the eyes"
jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013
Video Music =)
Like I´ve always said: I love music!, I don´t know how it will be the life without music?, boring I guess.
Well, I´ve passed for a lot of music style since I was a child. First, I liked rock and then some pop, after reggaeton....! x__x and now I like a little of pop, electronic and some of rock, but no matter the music style, undoubtedly some songs have marked a few moments of my life.I remember a song that I like its lyrics and its video too because it makes me remember a journey to Brazil with my classmates of my school. The song called "Sexy Chick" of David Guetta, it was so popular in 2009-2010. I love this song (and its video too) because is a portrait of parties and good times for share with friends, and travel too =), such as I lived in my journey those summer, because I passed experiences that I´ll never forget, like the video too :).!
Like a said before I love music and those video is not the only one that I like so much :)! the second video that I remember always is "Again" of Lenny Kravtiz. This videos are so different, but speaks about some moments of my life totally opposed. I think that this video have make trades in my life :)

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013
The day I´ll will never forget ....
Everyone has a day that they always remember for one special reason. Well, I have one and I hate that day.
Everything started on Ttuesday of the last year, I had to discourse about a semestral work for the method class. Sincerely I don´t like the teacher of that class because she IS annoying, and she doesn´t accepted arrive late at her class. Well, the bad situation is the next: That day (and like never before) I´ve woke up late, and when I realized of the real time, I ran into the shower, I couldn´t ate and even comb my hair, definitely, a bad luck day, besides It was the first time that I woke up a dressed up so fast. ( this is the funny situation of that day) Then of that horror show I ran again for whereabouts and my "bip" card didn't work,!! oh! I´ve been so furious, and the driver of the bus was so kind and let me go aboard.
Finally I could discourse, with my horrible face, hair and humor, but I had to fixed up my bip card and I walked so much that day for another procedures.
I´ve never forgotten that day, It was the worst day of my life!!!!!!!
Everything started on Ttuesday of the last year, I had to discourse about a semestral work for the method class. Sincerely I don´t like the teacher of that class because she IS annoying, and she doesn´t accepted arrive late at her class. Well, the bad situation is the next: That day (and like never before) I´ve woke up late, and when I realized of the real time, I ran into the shower, I couldn´t ate and even comb my hair, definitely, a bad luck day, besides It was the first time that I woke up a dressed up so fast. ( this is the funny situation of that day) Then of that horror show I ran again for whereabouts and my "bip" card didn't work,!! oh! I´ve been so furious, and the driver of the bus was so kind and let me go aboard.
Finally I could discourse, with my horrible face, hair and humor, but I had to fixed up my bip card and I walked so much that day for another procedures.
I´ve never forgotten that day, It was the worst day of my life!!!!!!!
jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013
Egypt,Italy and Greece =)
I like so much travel =) to everywhere, I mean, travel to the beach or to the countryside, but I like more travel out of my country. I´m 21 years and I´ve visited four differents countries like : Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and United States.
But I have a dream since when I was a Little child that I would like to realise: Travel to Egypt, Greece and Italy. I would like to visit this three countries because they are cradle of modern civilization, and I´ve always liked the history and all related stuff, like culture, architecture, battles of honor, etc.
If I stay there, I would like to visit in Egypt all of pyramids and famous monuments =). In Italy I would like to visit Roma because is the most amazing place because of its architecture and besides that country is the most romantic place in the world <3!. And Finally I would like to visit Greece because I´m a big fan of greece culture, actually, a few years ago I tried to learn its language, mmm, I would like to try again xD in addition I like so much the greece architecture and its monuments too <3 =)
I´ll hope someday travel to this countries, it was like my dream come true, and like always, accompanied by my boyfriend <3
But I have a dream since when I was a Little child that I would like to realise: Travel to Egypt, Greece and Italy. I would like to visit this three countries because they are cradle of modern civilization, and I´ve always liked the history and all related stuff, like culture, architecture, battles of honor, etc.
If I stay there, I would like to visit in Egypt all of pyramids and famous monuments =). In Italy I would like to visit Roma because is the most amazing place because of its architecture and besides that country is the most romantic place in the world <3!. And Finally I would like to visit Greece because I´m a big fan of greece culture, actually, a few years ago I tried to learn its language, mmm, I would like to try again xD in addition I like so much the greece architecture and its monuments too <3 =)
I´ll hope someday travel to this countries, it was like my dream come true, and like always, accompanied by my boyfriend <3

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013
My Ideal Job :O
Sincerely, I´ve never think in a ideal job before :O, but today I´m going to think about, in Wich job I would like to work?.
Well, My ideal work is has to be related with hair salon. Yes! is a Little strange work but I like do new things with my hair(when a friend do it for me) and even practice with the hair of my friends. Besides, I would like to learn about cut, dye and the most important, comb hair, because I´ve got a "trauma", because I´ve do horrible things with my hair :(, and even when I try to comb it for my cheerleading presentations, I always do it wrong with me :(, but not with the rest of my friend; is so funny and tragic at the same time.
I think that work in this job, develop skills like creative and style, and I have that skills, is just that I have to practice for do it better. :). In addition, I think that work like a hairdresser makes people happy because, at least for me, change my hair (style), change my self esteem :). The bad part of that job is when to the client not like that new style :/, it can be a serious problem, but like I always said: "the hair grown too" :)
Well, My ideal work is has to be related with hair salon. Yes! is a Little strange work but I like do new things with my hair(when a friend do it for me) and even practice with the hair of my friends. Besides, I would like to learn about cut, dye and the most important, comb hair, because I´ve got a "trauma", because I´ve do horrible things with my hair :(, and even when I try to comb it for my cheerleading presentations, I always do it wrong with me :(, but not with the rest of my friend; is so funny and tragic at the same time.
I think that work in this job, develop skills like creative and style, and I have that skills, is just that I have to practice for do it better. :). In addition, I think that work like a hairdresser makes people happy because, at least for me, change my hair (style), change my self esteem :). The bad part of that job is when to the client not like that new style :/, it can be a serious problem, but like I always said: "the hair grown too" :)
jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013
A New Semester :)
=) Is september and is a new semester; everything is a little different from the others in the past, for that I´m going to relate to my new teacher about my life =)
Well, My name is Anita, I´m twenty-one years old, I live in Ñuñoa since almost three years ago. I came from La Serena to Study here in Santiago. But maybe you´ll think that I never come back there, xD but you´re wrong because I travelled to La Serena every weekend, yes, I´m totally mad, but like go there because I trained cheerleading, with my boyfriend. I started to practice that sport since five years ago, and I´ve live wonderful moments training, traveling and sharing with my sportmates.
About my family I can say that I have a twin called Gabriel, I live with him and my parents María and Nilo; I have a good relationship with them :). About my friends I can say that I have a few real friend but they are so valuable for me <3. They names are: Sofia, Camilia, lori, Abel and Jairo :) and of course my boyfriend too =).!
About the thing that I lik to do, I can say that I like dance at the disco, I like sleep :) (I slept everyday almost 12 hours), I´m so lazy xD, I like go to shopping, I like walk, and go to my friend to eat icecream :). I´m a simple person.
If you ask to my, How I feel now? I say that at this moment I consider myself like a happy person, I´ve past for a few bad and sad moments, but the good stuff are more important.
Well, My name is Anita, I´m twenty-one years old, I live in Ñuñoa since almost three years ago. I came from La Serena to Study here in Santiago. But maybe you´ll think that I never come back there, xD but you´re wrong because I travelled to La Serena every weekend, yes, I´m totally mad, but like go there because I trained cheerleading, with my boyfriend. I started to practice that sport since five years ago, and I´ve live wonderful moments training, traveling and sharing with my sportmates.
About my family I can say that I have a twin called Gabriel, I live with him and my parents María and Nilo; I have a good relationship with them :). About my friends I can say that I have a few real friend but they are so valuable for me <3. They names are: Sofia, Camilia, lori, Abel and Jairo :) and of course my boyfriend too =).!
About the thing that I lik to do, I can say that I like dance at the disco, I like sleep :) (I slept everyday almost 12 hours), I´m so lazy xD, I like go to shopping, I like walk, and go to my friend to eat icecream :). I´m a simple person.
If you ask to my, How I feel now? I say that at this moment I consider myself like a happy person, I´ve past for a few bad and sad moments, but the good stuff are more important.

martes, 23 de julio de 2013
The Last one .... :(
This is the last time that I´m going to write in this blog, at least for this semester, and this is a special chance, because I´m going to relate you about my perseption of have a blog.
Personally I´ve love have a blog because I like write about my life and my experiences, besides I like share opinions with my classmates and write in english si so much better because I love speak and write in english.
In my opinión I don´t have a favourite or a least favourite post, because I like all of the post that I´ve write because it was part of my life and I preserve my experiences very well, besides, have a least favourite post it was hate myself and I don´t want to this. xd!
At the course of that semester, I liked read the blog of my friends for known better each other, and I liked because is so funny know the life and experience of the rest of my classmates, and I think when they read my blog has happen the same; for that I don´t have a preference for any blog, but I recognise that Charlotte´s blog is the most attractive blog because she is so creative and because she love electronic world :) for that she is the most attractive.
Like I said before, at the begining of the post, I think that think, write and speak in a different language is so helpful to learn how connect with people of all fo the world. :)
I love this language forever and ever :)
Bye Bye <3!

Personally I´ve love have a blog because I like write about my life and my experiences, besides I like share opinions with my classmates and write in english si so much better because I love speak and write in english.
In my opinión I don´t have a favourite or a least favourite post, because I like all of the post that I´ve write because it was part of my life and I preserve my experiences very well, besides, have a least favourite post it was hate myself and I don´t want to this. xd!
At the course of that semester, I liked read the blog of my friends for known better each other, and I liked because is so funny know the life and experience of the rest of my classmates, and I think when they read my blog has happen the same; for that I don´t have a preference for any blog, but I recognise that Charlotte´s blog is the most attractive blog because she is so creative and because she love electronic world :) for that she is the most attractive.
Like I said before, at the begining of the post, I think that think, write and speak in a different language is so helpful to learn how connect with people of all fo the world. :)
I love this language forever and ever :)
Bye Bye <3!

martes, 9 de julio de 2013
When I was a Little Child....
I´ve always think: when a person is a child, the first Tv programs that somebody could watch are very important for the growth, I mean the remebers of a little child let a huge trace in the future personality of someone.
The best remembers of my first Tv programs are very important for me, I don´t not why but, when I watched it, I felt so happy :), for that reason I want to introduce you my favourite animated cartoon called "Bananas en Pijama" (so ancient xd) . This animated cartoon was about the adventure and the frienship of two bananas, three teddy bears and a mouse. The first time that I watched that program I was almost five years, I was so Little, and I watched in cartoon channel :) , in that age, have that type of channel it was a luxury, so I consider myself very lucky.
I liked so much this program because "Bananas" are twins and me and my brother are twins too <3!!! besides those cartoon are so funny, always sang happy songs and they were good fruits, I mean they were good friend (in the program) :) ,so, I think, maybe I learned from them, how to be a good person, and finally I liked because it seems to be "real", I mean it wasn´t fake cartoon, some actors performed the show, for all of that, I really enjoyed so much watched it! :).
The best remembers of my first Tv programs are very important for me, I don´t not why but, when I watched it, I felt so happy :), for that reason I want to introduce you my favourite animated cartoon called "Bananas en Pijama" (so ancient xd) . This animated cartoon was about the adventure and the frienship of two bananas, three teddy bears and a mouse. The first time that I watched that program I was almost five years, I was so Little, and I watched in cartoon channel :) , in that age, have that type of channel it was a luxury, so I consider myself very lucky.
I liked so much this program because "Bananas" are twins and me and my brother are twins too <3!!! besides those cartoon are so funny, always sang happy songs and they were good fruits, I mean they were good friend (in the program) :) ,so, I think, maybe I learned from them, how to be a good person, and finally I liked because it seems to be "real", I mean it wasn´t fake cartoon, some actors performed the show, for all of that, I really enjoyed so much watched it! :).
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
Me and My Dream Come true :)
Sometimes I don´t like take pictures of me, because I think that I look so bad :( xD! but, in this special case I would like show you a photograph that I´ll never forget: I mean, Me at the Cheerleading Worlds 2013 <3 :
Well, as everybody knows, I travelled to Orlando, United States, with my team for a competition this last april, and it´s comic, because these type of photographs were taken when we are in action (showing own routine) and some pictures are extremely bads xd! I mean faces in action are not beautiful always, but It´s so funny look at them after the competition.
Particulary this photograph shows me in action, doing it an elevation and shows me when I was very excited and happy too and simply I love this picture because I can remember this special moment , I mean, for the cheerleader is a dream come true :) : can tread that competition floor is a unforgetable experience, can feel that huge nerve, and can be with a lot of amazing cheerleaders, is the best that a sportsman can live.
In this moment I still miss be there, but I´m quiet because I want to come back so soon, ¿Why not the next year? :)
Well, as everybody knows, I travelled to Orlando, United States, with my team for a competition this last april, and it´s comic, because these type of photographs were taken when we are in action (showing own routine) and some pictures are extremely bads xd! I mean faces in action are not beautiful always, but It´s so funny look at them after the competition.
Particulary this photograph shows me in action, doing it an elevation and shows me when I was very excited and happy too and simply I love this picture because I can remember this special moment , I mean, for the cheerleader is a dream come true :) : can tread that competition floor is a unforgetable experience, can feel that huge nerve, and can be with a lot of amazing cheerleaders, is the best that a sportsman can live.
In this moment I still miss be there, but I´m quiet because I want to come back so soon, ¿Why not the next year? :)
miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013
¿Going Out? :)
Today I´m goint to tell you about a moment that I like because through the time it became in a tradition for me and my friend Sofi :)
I mean, we like to eat out to "Bravissimo", is an "ice cream store" that now sells some sandwiches, coffe, cakes, etc. I like go there because I´m fan of chocolate ice cream and everytime that I visit this place Me and Sofi ate a big goblet of ice cream called "Paradise Goblet" that includes ten differents flavours, really I love it!, besides I like the great quality of that restaurant, the people is kind, the decoration is so crazy and colourful :) and the best of all is than Bravissimo is placed everywhere, at mall, or downtown of the cities, not only in Santiago, is places around all of the country too!
I think that instances are so good for bring close relationship; for talk with somebody and eat something delicious :), I ´ve passed great times there, because I enjoy so much eat ice cream and stay with great company.
Another big reason that I like so much this restaurant because I like stay here with my boyfriend :) and is the only one moment that he eat ice cream :P
Today I´m goint to tell you about a moment that I like because through the time it became in a tradition for me and my friend Sofi :)
I mean, we like to eat out to "Bravissimo", is an "ice cream store" that now sells some sandwiches, coffe, cakes, etc. I like go there because I´m fan of chocolate ice cream and everytime that I visit this place Me and Sofi ate a big goblet of ice cream called "Paradise Goblet" that includes ten differents flavours, really I love it!, besides I like the great quality of that restaurant, the people is kind, the decoration is so crazy and colourful :) and the best of all is than Bravissimo is placed everywhere, at mall, or downtown of the cities, not only in Santiago, is places around all of the country too!
I think that instances are so good for bring close relationship; for talk with somebody and eat something delicious :), I ´ve passed great times there, because I enjoy so much eat ice cream and stay with great company.
Another big reason that I like so much this restaurant because I like stay here with my boyfriend :) and is the only one moment that he eat ice cream :P

martes, 11 de junio de 2013
I want to meet to... :)
I´ve always thought that praise someone else is not right, because nodoby is god, besides the most of famous persons are so unkind; but I´m agree with follow singers or actors that are very famous today, I mean, just for fun.
Personally, If I have to choose someone, I think that I would like to meet two famous persons.
The first is a famous actor named "Robert Downey Jr. or known as "Iron Man", because I like his crazy, arrogant but very intelligent personality. I saw him for the first time in the Sherlock Holms movie and liked his style, although, like I said before, famous persons are cocky, and I don´t like that, I don´t approve people that are not humble. In this case, I hope be wrong; But If I met him, I would talk about his life, his preferences and maybe talk about his movies.
The second person that I would like to meet is a famous actress, that are very famous thank of an American Tv serie called "Gossip Girl". I like that actress because in the serie she interpret an independent, crazy, but very smart woman, typical of a New York citizen, and I like too because is fashion style is so amazing and his personality is very kind too.
If I visit New York I would like go to shopping with her and talk about fashion and her lyfe like an Gossip Girl actress. I hope I made it true :)
Personally, If I have to choose someone, I think that I would like to meet two famous persons.
The first is a famous actor named "Robert Downey Jr. or known as "Iron Man", because I like his crazy, arrogant but very intelligent personality. I saw him for the first time in the Sherlock Holms movie and liked his style, although, like I said before, famous persons are cocky, and I don´t like that, I don´t approve people that are not humble. In this case, I hope be wrong; But If I met him, I would talk about his life, his preferences and maybe talk about his movies.
The second person that I would like to meet is a famous actress, that are very famous thank of an American Tv serie called "Gossip Girl". I like that actress because in the serie she interpret an independent, crazy, but very smart woman, typical of a New York citizen, and I like too because is fashion style is so amazing and his personality is very kind too.
If I visit New York I would like go to shopping with her and talk about fashion and her lyfe like an Gossip Girl actress. I hope I made it true :)
martes, 14 de mayo de 2013
~ London ~
Today we made a turistical work about some important places in the city of London, the capital of United Kingdom, placed in Europe. :)
When I think in London I imagine perfection, I mean, all in that city is so beautiful,I just want to go there and visit every turistic places.
In the first visit to that city, I would like to visit The Westminster Palace or called too "The Parliament" that is placed in north shore of Tamesis river. Get there is not difficult, You can take the tub Westminster ( gates Circle, District y Jubilee) or take a bus , (it has eleven ways to get there in bus). For get into the palace you have you pay 14 pounds and the visits are so restricted, the common people can visit only saturday and in the summer months :(.!
If I´ll can go there, I would take millions of pictures and I would like to learn everything about its origins, it history and all related with that beautiful places, because I love the architecture of that palace and like I said before I love a lot cities of Europe
When I think in London I imagine perfection, I mean, all in that city is so beautiful,I just want to go there and visit every turistic places.
In the first visit to that city, I would like to visit The Westminster Palace or called too "The Parliament" that is placed in north shore of Tamesis river. Get there is not difficult, You can take the tub Westminster ( gates Circle, District y Jubilee) or take a bus , (it has eleven ways to get there in bus). For get into the palace you have you pay 14 pounds and the visits are so restricted, the common people can visit only saturday and in the summer months :(.!
If I´ll can go there, I would take millions of pictures and I would like to learn everything about its origins, it history and all related with that beautiful places, because I love the architecture of that palace and like I said before I love a lot cities of Europe

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013
Art :)
The art:
when I think in the concept of that word I imagine a lot of thing related with imagination, feelings, colours, etc. In my opinion the art is more than a painting, also It means the representations of the human acts.
Personally. I´m not a real fan of the art, but I like a few pieces of art that are very popular in the world.
The piece of art that I like very much is called "Hombre de Vitruvio" made it for the famous painter "Leonardo Da Vinci". This piece of art It was made pursuit for medical studies , I mean, for learn about the human body. It was created in a very controversial age for the science.
I remember the first time when i saw it, I was in biology class when I was at the school, and I thought to myself: Oh! I like that picture, obviously It´s represented the human conception of perfection, simply I liked the power and security than the picture represents. :)
I think this piece of art is amazing because explain the human race in a natural condition., no more and no less, and I would like to visit the museum than harbour this piece of art in a future.
when I think in the concept of that word I imagine a lot of thing related with imagination, feelings, colours, etc. In my opinion the art is more than a painting, also It means the representations of the human acts.
Personally. I´m not a real fan of the art, but I like a few pieces of art that are very popular in the world.
The piece of art that I like very much is called "Hombre de Vitruvio" made it for the famous painter "Leonardo Da Vinci". This piece of art It was made pursuit for medical studies , I mean, for learn about the human body. It was created in a very controversial age for the science.
I remember the first time when i saw it, I was in biology class when I was at the school, and I thought to myself: Oh! I like that picture, obviously It´s represented the human conception of perfection, simply I liked the power and security than the picture represents. :)
I think this piece of art is amazing because explain the human race in a natural condition., no more and no less, and I would like to visit the museum than harbour this piece of art in a future.
jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013
Sea Avenue ^^"
The Beach:
I love the beach :), is one of my favourite places for visit when want to felt relaxed and when I want to rest of my upset life. The sounds of the waves makes me disconnect of the reality. I like feel that sensation.
In general, I like all types of beaches, but I always go to the "Sea Avenue" in La Serena, because I lived there ten years and I always came back there for many personal reasons.
I liked go to this beach because is very large and I can walk almost eight kilometers through it; thank of that I can think about my life and I can open my mind to new positive vibrations.
Is necessary confess that I don´t like swim at this beach or any other beaches, because I have fear of the sea., for that reason, when I go to any beach, I rest at the sand or just walk. In spite of that, I like go to Sea Avenue as soon as can, I mean, in the summer if I can, I visit it all days, and in the winter I like visit almost one time for relaxed and for connect me with the nature.
At the future I would like to visit another beaches around the world, like some places at the tropic or at the mediterranean sea.
I love the beach :), is one of my favourite places for visit when want to felt relaxed and when I want to rest of my upset life. The sounds of the waves makes me disconnect of the reality. I like feel that sensation.
In general, I like all types of beaches, but I always go to the "Sea Avenue" in La Serena, because I lived there ten years and I always came back there for many personal reasons.
I liked go to this beach because is very large and I can walk almost eight kilometers through it; thank of that I can think about my life and I can open my mind to new positive vibrations.
Is necessary confess that I don´t like swim at this beach or any other beaches, because I have fear of the sea., for that reason, when I go to any beach, I rest at the sand or just walk. In spite of that, I like go to Sea Avenue as soon as can, I mean, in the summer if I can, I visit it all days, and in the winter I like visit almost one time for relaxed and for connect me with the nature.
At the future I would like to visit another beaches around the world, like some places at the tropic or at the mediterranean sea.
Cinema :)!
The last time that I went to the cinema it was this summer when I was in La Serena and we went to the Cinemark. It was a special date because I went with my boyfriend for celebrate own aniverssary number four :).
The movie is not a romantic film, but my boyfriend is fan of "The Lord Of The Rings" saga, and he really wanted watch the film that is part of that saga, I mean, the film called "The Hobbit".
Personally, I´ve never watched any films of "The Lord Of The Rings" saga, because I don´t like the content of that movies, I don´t know why I reject the films. The only reason that I watched this movie it was because when I was at the school I have to read the book and I thought: well, maybe is similar to the book and why not?, besides my boyfriend really like this saga I agreed to go with him.
If someone ask me, I like the movie, but i´m not a fan and I´m not die for understand completely the history of the four movies (because they are related), but if somebody likes the adventures of middle age and wars between goods and bads kingdoms, I recommend this film.
The movie is not a romantic film, but my boyfriend is fan of "The Lord Of The Rings" saga, and he really wanted watch the film that is part of that saga, I mean, the film called "The Hobbit".
Personally, I´ve never watched any films of "The Lord Of The Rings" saga, because I don´t like the content of that movies, I don´t know why I reject the films. The only reason that I watched this movie it was because when I was at the school I have to read the book and I thought: well, maybe is similar to the book and why not?, besides my boyfriend really like this saga I agreed to go with him.
If someone ask me, I like the movie, but i´m not a fan and I´m not die for understand completely the history of the four movies (because they are related), but if somebody likes the adventures of middle age and wars between goods and bads kingdoms, I recommend this film.
martes, 9 de abril de 2013
Annita´s Ambitions ~
All the people in the world have an ambition that wants to fulfil, although, sometimes the ambitions can be a negative purpose, but in a lot of situations the ambitions are a necessary for achieve bigs secrets dreams:)
Personally, I have a few but bigs ambitions for my future life. First, I want to fulfil the most common ambition in the world: have a great life thanks of my university studies and live with my couple :). I would like to achieve that ambition because there are my dreams since I was a little child and because represent the model of "steady life".
At the second time, I want to achieve my personal ambitions related with my hobbies, I mean fulfil the objetive that I purpose myself. Today, that purpose is about improve the typical techniques of the sport that I practice. I would like to achieve that ambition for personal satisfaction, and also for be a happy person:)
I think that all of the ambitions have a real cause inspired of someone else, I mean, the inspiration of fulfil some objetive, always came from a few thought for impress to close person; and this case, is not the exception.
I hope achieve all of my ambitions :); because the most happiest feeling in the world is fulfil the dreams for you´ve fighting for.
Personally, I have a few but bigs ambitions for my future life. First, I want to fulfil the most common ambition in the world: have a great life thanks of my university studies and live with my couple :). I would like to achieve that ambition because there are my dreams since I was a little child and because represent the model of "steady life".
At the second time, I want to achieve my personal ambitions related with my hobbies, I mean fulfil the objetive that I purpose myself. Today, that purpose is about improve the typical techniques of the sport that I practice. I would like to achieve that ambition for personal satisfaction, and also for be a happy person:)
I think that all of the ambitions have a real cause inspired of someone else, I mean, the inspiration of fulfil some objetive, always came from a few thought for impress to close person; and this case, is not the exception.
I hope achieve all of my ambitions :); because the most happiest feeling in the world is fulfil the dreams for you´ve fighting for.
martes, 2 de abril de 2013
Just Music ♫
Is not easy for me choose a favourite song because I like a lot of different music styles; I think that I´ts depende of my mood, I mean, I listen rock, pop, romantic and electronic music. My music preferences are very varied.
But in this case, I have to choose one song and I think It will be: Again singing by Lenny Kravitz. The song that I chose belong to rock music, but with romantic lyric, it was lauch in 2000.
I don´t remember the exactly moment that I´ve heard this song for the first time, but I remember that mark a milestone when I was a teenager and until now, this song still being in my mind.
"Again", is a song that I´ve heard when I felt confused and lost or when I doubt some personal decitions.
I think that I love this song because makes me reflect a lot and calm down when I need it.
I recommend this song all time,really is a very passionate song, you have to listen to it :)
But in this case, I have to choose one song and I think It will be: Again singing by Lenny Kravitz. The song that I chose belong to rock music, but with romantic lyric, it was lauch in 2000.
I don´t remember the exactly moment that I´ve heard this song for the first time, but I remember that mark a milestone when I was a teenager and until now, this song still being in my mind.
"Again", is a song that I´ve heard when I felt confused and lost or when I doubt some personal decitions.
I think that I love this song because makes me reflect a lot and calm down when I need it.
I recommend this song all time,really is a very passionate song, you have to listen to it :)
~ ♫ All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again ♫ ~
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again ♫ ~
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013
Books that I´ve read in my teenage years
When I was at the school, I´ve read a lot of books for a language class, but only a few of them I´ve liked so much.
The first book that I´ve read it call "El Túnel", written by Ernesto Sábato. This book it represent basically the hardest feelings felt by a person in a bad moment. when someone feels empty and alone this book may you grown up and change some thought about the reasons for living. I recommend this amazing book because after read it, I appreciate the oportunities and little details of the live, so could you too :).
The second book that I´ve read it call "Juventud En Éxtasis" written by "Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez" this is a special book because it shown me what happened with the change between the childhood and teenage years. It´s a very difficult book, but I recommend it, because it teach good lesson for how survive in a crazy and curious teenage life. :)
Personally I think that this book teach me the importance of how the life can change if the people don´t make the right decision.
The first book that I´ve read it call "El Túnel", written by Ernesto Sábato. This book it represent basically the hardest feelings felt by a person in a bad moment. when someone feels empty and alone this book may you grown up and change some thought about the reasons for living. I recommend this amazing book because after read it, I appreciate the oportunities and little details of the live, so could you too :).
The second book that I´ve read it call "Juventud En Éxtasis" written by "Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez" this is a special book because it shown me what happened with the change between the childhood and teenage years. It´s a very difficult book, but I recommend it, because it teach good lesson for how survive in a crazy and curious teenage life. :)
Personally I think that this book teach me the importance of how the life can change if the people don´t make the right decision.
martes, 19 de marzo de 2013
Me. Myself and I
My name is Ana María, i´m twenty years old, and first I want to tell you the positive side of my life: I have a twin named Gabriel and I love him, I have a good relationship with him, also with my parents.
Since five years ago I practice Cheerleading, and thanks of that I met to my boyfriend. I´m grateful for have a few but real friends, because I know that I count with them and they count with me for anything.
And now, the negative side of my life: I was born in Antogafasta, but I´ve lived in four differents cities like Ovalle, La Serena and since march 2011 until now I live in Santiago. I think that is a good advantage because I´ve visited a lot of places but sometimes I think that I don´t have affection for a specific place.
In general, I feel very happy with my life, I´ve made all of my dreams real, and coming soon I´ll make another come true :)
Since five years ago I practice Cheerleading, and thanks of that I met to my boyfriend. I´m grateful for have a few but real friends, because I know that I count with them and they count with me for anything.
And now, the negative side of my life: I was born in Antogafasta, but I´ve lived in four differents cities like Ovalle, La Serena and since march 2011 until now I live in Santiago. I think that is a good advantage because I´ve visited a lot of places but sometimes I think that I don´t have affection for a specific place.
In general, I feel very happy with my life, I´ve made all of my dreams real, and coming soon I´ll make another come true :)
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